Graduated pipettes

Graduated pipettes commonly come in 5, 10, 25 and 50 mL volumes. To avoid accidental ingestion of potentially harmful substances, a variety of propipetters have been developed, both entirely manual and electrically assisted:

Originally pipettes were made of soda-lime glass, but currently many are made of borosilicate glass; disposable graduated pipettes are often made of polystyrene.

Graduated pipettes are often graduated in one of two ways:

Backward or drain-out pipettes have a 0 mL mark just above the end of the pipette. A volume is pulled into the pipette, sometimes to the maximum volume, then the needed volume is aliquoted out.

Forward or blow-out pipettes have no 0ml mark as that corresponds to an empty pipette. The volume needed is pulled into the pipette and then dispensed.